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November 24, 2007


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rissa winkelman

I read Saturday by McEwan and LOVED it.
Have already bought Chesil Beach but have not yet started it, but will give you my review when I am done.

Have read several very good books lately, however. Two are non-fiction:
The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit
What is the What (sort of non-fiction} and the fiction Swallows of Kabul

Nancy West

I liked this book quite a lot. I found it interesting that McEwan used the Aristotalian drama convention (you know, the one we all learned in high school...) of having the time frame of the plot more or less equal to the time frame of reading the book. Other than the flashbacks and the epilogue, the action all takes place within about two hours...which is what it takes to read this very short novel. Though I'm not urging friends to race out and read it because the book is simply too short to get emotionally invested in the way a more in-depth novel is, I think the writing is excellent -- as we expect of Ian McEwan. And I think the conclusions reached in the epilogue are particarly satisfying. The novel wouldn't work nearly as well without that part.


Hi Gayle! Good to have read a book in common with you again! Read On Chesil beach for a book club where it got very mixed reviews but I thought it was excellent. McEwan's skill was really on display as he captured the inner workings of each of the two and letting the reader really feel exactly how mis-matched they were. I also thought it nailed that youthful experience of being totally in love with someone but yet not knowing them at all. The only other McEwan I've read is Atonement (which I also loved)--think I'll need to put more of his on my list.

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