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January 18, 2008


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I'm jealous! I want to read this book...I loved the NYT review! It made the book sound so charming.

Daniel Martin

I just finished reading the book and it was GREAT! At first, I was a little put off by the fact that it was in the category "romance" and almost didn't buy it, but there were a few extracts on the website (I bought an ereader version) and the writing looked very lively and humoristic in a light kind of way so I thought, "what the heck" and downloaded it on my PALM.
I'm forced to admit I wonder if what makes this book good isn't the definitively masculine approach to romance. And I don mean "let's have a beer and watch chicks fight in jello" kind of masculine point of view. Because some of us CAN be sensitive and, well, drawn to love and romance.
I don't want to go on and on, but if this book could seduce me, it is a REAL good book. It proves that whatever the subject or genre, good writing is good writing.

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