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May 08, 2008


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I'm so glad you were featured on Typepad or else I might not have found you! This is the blog I've been searching for! I forwarded it on to my book club - they will love it as much as I do! Thanks! Nan


Thanks for the lovely comment! I am so glad you found me too!

Jennifer Jeffrey

I second Nan's comment above-
and want to add that this latest post about being inspired by your family is fabulous.

When you've lived through an experience, and felt it deeply, you can write about it so much more authentically.

Do, do, do keep writing.


Hi Gayle,

What an interesting perspective from Pastan...not so much for me from the angle of the autobiographical in fiction, but from the theme of questioning what we're all taught to believe about parenthood. I don't know if that deep and profound questioning is becoming a "theme" in contemporary literature, but I recently read a wonderful and disturbing example of it: "We Need to Talk About Kevin" by Lionel Shriver. Looks like I may have to add "Lady of the Snakes" to the ever growing TBR list.


Hey, Rachel Paston is Bossy's neighbor. Too cool.


Jennifer - thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes I get burnt out on blogging (not so much this blog as on my daily blog about my kids). I try never to give in to the temptation to take a few days off... I worry I will get complacent and not start again.

Len: I'd love to explore some other books on this theme. Perhaps I will read Kevin soon... (after Lisa finishes it!).

Bossy: Thanks for stopping in! How are you? Recovered?

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