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July 14, 2008


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Julie P.

I think THE CONDITION was a better book. Of course, I read MRS. KIMBLE awhile back, so I may have forgotten how much I enjoyed it too! I don't think you will go wrong either way -- she's a fantastic writer.


I haven't read anything by Jennifer Haigh, but I'm curious/interested in The Condition.

She read at a local bookstore last week, but I wasn't able to get in to see her. I would have loved to have heard Haigh read from her work, I'm sure I would have snapped up one of each of her books!


I got a ARC of The Condition at PLA this spring and read it right away. It was a good book, but I liked Baker Towers best. But Haigh is one of those authors who I'll read everyting she publishes.


I can't wait to read the condition. I have read Mrs. Kimble and loved it. I am in a book club and I not sure if it is a generation factor. Some of my members are much older. And did not like the book and the tend to shy away when it comes into reference of feministic views. I love books like that. Can't wait to read your post about The Condition".


I am reading The Condition right now. I will be curious to hear your comments when you are finished. I read both of her other books and enjoyed them very much.
I just finished The Commoner which I enjoyed. And read the new Jeffrey Archer, not my usual reading, Prisioner of Birth, and really liked it. It was a great vacation book and we are at the cottage right now.

Nancy West

I LOVED Baker Towers. It had some unusual narrative historical details about World War II America (such as the way young women went to work in Washington, D.C., in a Rosie the Riveter fashion) as well as a really interesting set of characters.

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