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August 12, 2008


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I have seen on your blog that you were reading the condition. I was pleased to finally read your review of the book. I have read Mrs. Kimble which I loved. I have her others, still sitting on my shelf. But after reading your review I will go out to the famous BN to buy it. For some reason I love to read books from authors from upnorth( New England). Whats up next on your pile?? I am reading Barefoot. Which is totally different a beach read. I usually don't read books like this.


Hi Susan - Thanks for watching for my review! This was my first Jennifer Haigh and I am looking forward to reading Mrs. Kimble and Baker Towers. Glad you're going to read this now! Next up for me is Nice To Come Home To, which I blogged about a few months ago after hearing the author speak.



I enjoyed your review of The Condition. I read it recently & rated it a 4.5/5, great book, but for me it dragged in parts. Having had a friend with Turner's Syndrome I found it especially interesting.

I loved Mrs Kimball by Haigh, and though Baker Towers was just okay.

rissa winkelman

I also read this book and although I enjoyed it I did not find it as stunning as you did. It was a little like a TV script and would make a good movie.

For a really good and very readable book, read Mudbound. Loved it.


Great review! I have read Baker Towers which I enjoyed and will make a note of this.


Gayle, thanks for your review. I've read and enjoyed Haigh's other books so I was hoping to see positive reviews of her latest.


I am dying to get my hands on this book. It just looks so good. Love your review too. It's on my GoodReads list. Just have to find the time now to read it.


Hi Gayle,

It's great to hear such enthusiasm about a book! I'm so glad you had such a satisfying experience. The story does sound fascinating.


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