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August 16, 2008


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I read this book a couple of years ago. I don't remember the whole book. But I remember thinking that the story seemed so real. It was a hard book to take at times. The author at that time did talk to us via phone. But she is no longer doing this. I do remember that I was absorbed in this book.
I hope this helps.

rissa winkelman

i read it a while ago. It was a good read.



Better than good--this is an amazing book! I read it recently (3-4 months ago), and I was completely knocked out by it! I read a lot of WW2/Holocaust literature--this was by far some of the better fiction in that genre I've ever read. Explores the complex relationships between mother and daughter, husband and wife, victim and persecutor and ultimately the relationship between the rescuer and the rescued. Utterly heartbreaking and very realistically written.
I highly recommend this book, Gayle!


This sounds very good, thanks for mentioning it.

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