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« "Waiting for Daisy" by Peggy Orenstein | Main | Book vs. Movie: "Revolutionary Road" »

January 02, 2009


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Some period pieces don't survive all that well - I'd still like to read this one, though.


This one has been on my TBR pile (yes, I actually have a copy of it!) for over a year, and I had no idea they were even making a movie until I saw the new movie tie-in version of the book at the book store where I work. I'll try to read it first, since I don't go to many movies anyway, and get the movie on Netflix, I suppose when it comes out on DVD. I am so behind on my movie watching, I can hardly see where it makes a difference!

Glad you had a good time in CO! Happy New Year!

Kristen (bookclubclassics)

I've been considering reading this, too, before seeing the movie -- thanks for the review! I'll try to move it up my TBR pile and see if I felt the same way!

Dr. Blondie

Hi Gayle. My husband and I actually saw this movie last night and we left the theater wondering if this was a situation where the book was so much better than the movie. I would not recommend the movie at all. Scene 1: Leo and Kate's characters are young and happy; they meet at a party in the city and life seems grand. Scene 2 onward: Both characters are desperately unhappy, the marriage is falling apart (although there are no incidents in the movie that reveal why the marriage is struggling) and Kate's character is crazy. The movie provides little to no background on the characters (it sounds like the book provides a little more of that, especially for Kate's character), no character development, and no kind of explanation for the state of depression that everyone is in except for the fact that they've grown up and moved to the suburbs. For all of the unhappiness associated with children, the kids are only present in two or three scenes in the movie (and they are pretty well behaved in those scenes). As a viewer, it was hard to really understand what the problem was. And I found neither character to be particularly sympathetic.

I'm glad to read your review. Now that I wasted two hours in the theater, I won't waste any more time with the book. Kate and Leo are two of my favorites, so I'm sad to be so disenchanted with the movie.

If you see the movie, will you consider writing a follow-up post? I'd love to hear how the book and movie differ.

Serena (Savvy Verse & Wit)

I saw the preview for this movie today. I had no idea it was based upon a book. I will have to check it out.

Natalie T.

I really recommend his short stories--especially those from the collection "Eleven Kinds of Loneliness". I think that Yates's mastery of short fiction is compelling and among the very best of his time period.

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