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January 09, 2009


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Natalie T.

I read it shortly after it came out. I have virtually no memory of the book but that I thought it was unsatisfactorily inconclusive. Reality can be inconclusive so I hope for more from books.

Good luck with it!


I hate to tell you this Gayle, but I checked it out of the library when it was new and tried to read it, but I just could not become engaged and gave up. I didn't like any of the characters, so it was difficult for me to get into the story.


I find Library Thing reviews to be more reliable than amazon reviews. Have you looked there?


Never heard of it but sounds like a very interesting read.


I took this one from the library as it sounded good, but I was one of the disappointed ones >>sorry to say :( I read it whenever it was first released in HC.

Perhaps you will be one of the ones that will enjoy it though :)

Nancy West

I despised this book for all the reasons the previous posters said. Inscrutable story line (and not in a good way), unsympathetic characters, distasteful situations. I urge you to bypass it.


Not as good as I'd hoped, but worth $4 :)


I liked it. But now that you've mentioned it, I realize that it wasn't a book that really stuck with me -- i.e. I don't think about it a lot; didn't learn a huge amount from it, etc. The NYT review was really intriguing when it came out, so I rushed out to get it. Anyway, I second the comment above me. It's worth $4!


I didn't enjoy it. I was annoyed that you never now for sure what occurred.


I came across a couple of her other titles at, my favorite book-swapping site but I think I'll pass based on these reviews. As you did, I'll sometimes risk the $4.49 bookins costs to give a new author a try but I've got too many other "knowns" on my TBR list right now!


I didn't really like it either. To me, it seemed like it dragged on and on without really saying much. I did read it quite awhile ago, though.


what is the deal with putting the back of girl's heads on the cover of books? Scrolling down today 7/12/11, there are about 5 different books with this "idea" on the cover.

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