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« Winner: Giveaway of "Bleeding Heart Square" by Andrew Taylor | Main | Valentines in Six Words »

February 13, 2009


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That sounds good, but I've got too much on my plate in March.


I'd really like to but I have a lot to review for March and can't guarantee getting to this one.

I will "tune" in so to speak to hear what everyone says about it though.

gwendolyn b.

I'm interested -- I sent you an email with my mailing info. Thank you to you and Hyperion!


Hi Gayle, Please include me.


Gayle I don't know why but I am unable to email it bounces back. I would like to join the book club's discussion in March. Would you email me with a blank and hopefully I can send you my information that way.

Thank you,


Susan - I emailed you, and I think I also have your email address from the last one.

Gwendolyn - got your email.


I'm bummed to have missed the book club this time, but I'm putting this one on the TBR list. Now if I could just start working through that list instead of reading things that aren't on it...

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