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February 26, 2009


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Fiery Nuggets

I've read it. Loved it. Different than what I usually read, but a great story.


I read this book a couple years ago. The plot kept my interest, but sort of unraveled in the end. I definitely did not think the prose was scholarly or rich. In fact "informal jottings in a journal" more accurately describes how I remember the writing. The whole book seemed a little forced. I don't regret reading it, though, because I enjoyed reading about that moment in history, told on a personal level.

Still, I would only give it a lukewarm recommendation.

mari partyka

I have had this book in my TBR stack for a while and have been wanting to read it to see if it's a possible book club selection. I will check back to see if anyone else has read this book.


I read this book and loved it. I posted my review here:


I only got through about half of it before I lost interest unfortunately.

Darby Lohrding

Wow, sorry to hear not that many raving reviews on this book, I thought the book sounded good and ordered it on Amazon. I'll let you know what I think!
Thanks so much
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Diana L

just read it for my book club. Well written, thought provoking and disturbing--that a character with such noble ideals and commitment could be so unlikable. Its problematic whenever someone champions social justice but treats everyone around them like crap. Interesting but I can't say I enjoyed reading it, except for an excerpt near the end that was kind of a prison diary.

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