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« EDIWTB June Book Club: "The Local News" by Miriam Gershow | Main | "Moonshot" by Brian Floca and June Book Club Winners »

April 27, 2009


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Jill Pinheiro

Thanks so much for a great shout-out! I love your blog, too...everything you read and post about is right up my alley!


I'm only familiar with a few of these - I'll be checking out the other!

Serena (Savvy Verse & Wit)

I read those book blogs, but now I have others to check out too...thanks.


Please do make this a regular feature. Loved seeing some new blogs. I just wish I was clever enough to have named my blog I Am Bossy. Thanks for sharing.

Book Club Girl

Thanks Gayle for the shout out and the great other blogs you mention!


Oh no! Like I didn't already have too many blogs in my reader now you give me a few that, based on your descriptions, I will not be able to pass up.


How weird is this: I wore my spring jacket the other day for the first time since we went to that Nats game, and in the pocket was a sticky note with your cell phone number. Freaky coincidence!

PS Thanks so much for the nice words. I never pick up a book without checking to see what you think of it.


Awwwwwwwwwwww. Geeee, thanks.


I'm going to be doing this too -- and yours will be one!

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