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June 28, 2009


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I'm in the 'didn't love it' category. It had its moments but I didn't think it lived up to its hype.


thanks for both the compliment and the linkage. This book is an anomaly for me and I'm glad I read it even though it wasn't the best thing ever.


I've been wondering about this one. I enjoyed your review as well as that of other bloggers you mention.. Thanks


A lot of bloggers have enjoyed this one, but a real life bookish friend of mine said essentially the same thing you did.

Amy @ My Friend Amy

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the book! I liked it but it was upon reflection that I realized how much I liked it. Does that even make sense?

Nancy West

This is exactly the kind of book I normally love -- period pieces focusing on domestic life -- and I didn't make it past the first 50 pages. What a disappointment. After reading for the tenth time that even at his (middle-) age, Ralph still had potent sexual urges (imagine that!), I declared that Mr. Goolrick doth protest too much and returned it to the library.

Upon checking Amazon reviews to see if others concurred, I discovered that the author wrote a highly acclaimed memoir about his own childhood abuse. Has anyone read that?


I just started this book yesterday. I'm anxious to see who I'll side with. Isn't it great that so many people can read the same book and each one come away with something different?


One of my book clubs is going to read this for August but now I'm not sure I want to. I can't stand when authors are repetitive or when transformations happen too quickly.

gwendolyn b.

Hmmm. Interesting - although I didn't read your review too closely (because I haven't yet read the book), yours is the first I've seen that wasn't ravingly positive! Thanks for the honest reaction.


I have yet to read this one but yours if the first negative review I've read on it. However, that doesn't stop me from wanting to read it. I am very suspicious when there is nothing but good on a book.

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