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« "The Favorites" by Mary Yukari Waters | Main | Vacation Book Meme »

July 30, 2009


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mari partyka

This is the MMBC selection for December. I will be reading this in the next few weeks... did you buy this book?


I read this one too! I thought it was pretty, not my very favorite book of the year, but certainly better than a Jodi Picoult! It was one of our book group selections as well, but I was sick and missed the meeting!


mari - no, i've not bought this. have you? glad it's a MMBC pick!!


This was sampled for the e-mail book club last week, and I liked what I read of it there, so chances are pretty good I'll buy it and read the rest. Thanks for featuring it!


Hi Gayle! Even though I haven't talked to you in forever (sad!), I still often read your blog and have gotten many good recommendations. I was wondering- do you have a Kindle? What do you think of those? Some people love them but I can't get on-board.

Carol Cassella

Hi Gayle,

Thank you so much for recommending my novel, OXYGEN! Really an honor, particularly when I scroll through your other choices of fabulous books. I really meant what I wrote for RGG--without readers a book turns to dust on the closet shelf. Always interested in hearing back from readers, who can contact me through my website, Hope you are having a great summer with lots of time for books.
Carol Cassella



We will be hosting a book giveaway as we get closer to Dec (usually two month out).

I just received 12 book copies of our Sept selection, should you be interested in reading with us. Send me an email with your mailing address (Waiting for Daisy).

I also mentioned your blog today, I want to thank you for all your support and giving me the push to create a blog for my book club - it's been an amazing experience.

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