One of my favorite blogs is Rude Cactus, written by Chris, a guy who lives here in DC with his wife and two young kids. It's technically a daddy blog, I guess, but I think of it more as a daily journal written by a very cool person. I like hearing about his kids and how much he loves being their father, as well as his musings on pop culture, music, politics, and life in DC.
Today, he talks about his favorite books. I know that EDIWTB is very much geared toward women's fiction, and that I have probably alienated my male readers to the point that those that remain - I believe there are about four - read the blog out of loyalty. (One is my dad, whom I believe just skims at this point.) Chris' list strikes me as being made up of Guy Books. They are a mix: there's some sci-fi and a mystery and a bunch of novels. Most of them are books I haven't heard of and probably wouldn't pick up on my own, but considered that he has recommended them, I will give them a second look. I hope that you'll click through and check out his list.
Chris also included one of my favorite Jonathan Tropper books, The Book of Joe, which lends immediate credibility to his taste in books. I read The Book of Joe a few years ago and reviewed it here - I loved it. Chris and I emailed a bit today about the new Jonathan Tropper, This Is Where I Leave You, which I picked up at BEA and which he got through an early reader's program through Amazon. He says it's excellent. I am looking forward to reading it on vacation later this month.
So check out Chris' blog and his books and let me know what looks good to you.
Chris' blog is one of my favorites too, but I'm a little behind on my blog-reading and haven't gotten to his book list yet. I like the way he includes his "weekly read" in his Friday posts.
Posted by: Florinda | July 16, 2009 at 10:57 PM
There is definitely a difference between the things that appeal to men and those that appeal to women. I have "The Ha-Ha" in my TBR pile and should probably move it up the pile if it's something that I might be able to discuss with my husband.
Posted by: Lisa | July 18, 2009 at 12:26 PM