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« "Hello Goodbye" by Emily Chenoweth | Main | "Miss Harper Can Do It", by Jane Berentson »

July 05, 2009


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I'm glad you enjoyed this one. It was just okay for me - it read too much like a soap opera for me.


Good review! I've been interested in reading it - guess i'll have to pick it up!

gwendolyn b.

I just wish I could be the dog on the cover -- just for a little while!


Sounds like just the thing to read for anyone who has just finished "Hello Goodbye" and needs something upbeat.


Gayle--I love the new design!

I can't wait to hear what you think of TTTW! It is one of m yfavorites!

Serena (Savvy Verse & Wit)

I really enjoyed this novel as well.

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