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« "Bird in Hand" by Christina Baker Kline | Main | Guest Review: "Home Safe" by Elizabeth Berg »

October 23, 2009


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Julie P.

Count me in!!!


Betty Leon

I once interviewed the author of 'French Women Don't Get Fat' and had that same impression of French women! Would love to read about it some more.


French women sound awesome. I need to cultivate some of that.



I would love to read the secrets of French women. Merci!! akprinz(at)msn(dot)com

A Bookshelf Monstrosity

No need to enter me- I just wanted to say thanks for the Lionel Shriver heads up! I'm a huge fan of her novels.


Ah, one of the greatest mysteries revealed. Who can resist? Not me!


Any and all help always appreciated! Please count me in!

Jen - Devourer of Books

This sounds really interesting, I'd love to read it!


Kathy R (Bermudaonion)

I'd love to read this since I used to live in France. I have to admit that I always thought it was the hair and the scarves - French women have the best looking hair and can make any scarf look wonderful.


Hi, I am a relatively new reader to your blog and love all the suggestions. Just wish I had more time to fit all the books in! "What French Women Know" reminds me a little of an article about Italian women and their notion of beauty in this month's Allure magazine. I do think there's much we can learn from these European women. At any rate, would love to enter the contest. Thanks!


I am crazy about all things French! Please enter me.

Amy W.

ohhhhhh....pick me! pick me! I need this book!!!
[email protected]

Sharon Walling

I would love to read this & be entered.

Thanks for the chance.

[email protected]

Anita Yancey

Sound like a very interesting book. Please enter me. Thanks!


Lauren S

Perhaps reading this book will help me get out of this social pit I've been experiencing lately!

mabelilly28 at yahoo dot com


I would also read a book by Lionel Shriver about the tax code LOL! Great to hear she has a new novel coming out.


I would love this book! Please count me in. Thanks!

shelfabsorbed at gmail dot com


I've had this on my radar for a bit - count me in!

[email protected]

Deb B.

The book sounds like fun. I'd love to check it out. Thanks for the give away!

Stephanie C.

This sounds like a very cool book - I'd love to give it a read.


Hmm, sounds interesting. I'd like to be entered, thanks!

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