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December 26, 2009


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Kathy R (Bermudaonion)

I've never read any of Buxbaum's work, but I have heard lots of great things about it. Sorry it was just so-so for you.


I haven't read any of Buxbaum's novels but I don't like predictable plots or characters.


I just read a book that I really didn't like then when I went to check other reviews, found that some people loved it. It always makes me wonder if I just missed something or if I was just unable to let somethings go and enjoy the book.


I read this one over the summer--what I liked about it was the use of The Secret Garden and the discussions about loving that particular book (which I do). But I pretty much concur with you about the book for the most part. I was kind of wishy-washy about the plot and characters, especially Ellie, although I felt the book had potential when I picked it up. Her relationship with her husband was especially annoying to me for some reason. Oh well--we can't all love every book!


I enjoyed this book and it inspired me to read The Secret Garden. I also picked up The Opposite of Love after reading this.

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