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« April Book Club: "This One Is Mine" by Maria Semple | Main | Winner of "The Local News" »

March 18, 2010


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I reviewed The Help this week too. I noticed that the pace faltered towards the end. Perhaps that was me noticing what you noticed. Like you said though, it was very compelling.

bermudaonion (Kathy)

You're not the last person in the world to read this book - I am. I'm dying to read it too.


Yep. I haven't read it, either. It's been so hyped I've been avoiding it. I feared it might be overly contrived and I'm still a bit wary. Is it just too 'feel good?'


I really do think I'm the last person to read this book, and I must confess, I was almost afraid to because everyone (those I normally agree and disagree with) love it so much. It couldn't possibly live up to the hype, right? Thank you for your honesty and helping to lower my expectations to a threshold so I might actually read the book soon.

Dr. Blondie

I still haven't read this book yet, but will do so next month for my book club. I can't wait to read it!


Heidi - no, it's not a feel good book, so you don't need to worry about that. There's a lot of pain in it. My issue with it really had to do with some plot developments that I thought were a bit contrived.

Nomadreader - you're welcome! I had the same problem - so much hype. Am glad, though, that I read it.

S. Krishna

I read this one awhile back and really enjoyed it. I have to say, I'm glad some criticisms are coming out with later reviews - as much as I loved it, it would be weird for there not to be a single criticism of a book!


I'm with you on the gimmicks. Also I felt like Stockett built up good tension then when bad things happened, they were so underplayed. But overall, so worth reading.


Certainly not a perfect novel, I was fortunate enough to have an advanced reader copy (I read it during spring break last year--a year ago this week, and my kids were really annoyed because I wouldn't put it down!)before the novel was actually released, and I really enjoyed it. For a first novel, Stockett really took on a heavy subject, and her writing was great. Sure, she may have faltered towards the end of the novel a bit, but I hate when heavy hype for a book that is actually up to the hype ruins the novel for people! This book is so worth it, I admire Stockett for taking on such a serious and dicey topic! I've encouraged everyone I know that reads seriously to read it.

This is no Dan Brown novel!


Gayle -- I loved "The Help" but think your criticisms are quite valid. You put into words some of my feelings about the book that I couldn't articulate. Very well put.


Gayle, you aren't the last person to read it because I still haven't read The Help yet! I own a copy and plan to read it soon, though!


I haven't read it yet either. It's on my list. I wish I'd read it right when it first came out. Now it''s gotten so much hype I'm not all fired up to read it.

Colleen (Books in the City)

I have not read it yet either. I do have it though and am anxiously awaiting the chance to read it.

gwendolyn b.

Well, I'm in good company with those who have not yet read this book. It's not out in paperback yet, is it? I'm kinda holding it "in reserve" for just the right time. Thanks for pointing out what bugged you about the book as well as what you liked.

mari partyka

My local book club is discussing this book tonight. I read it almost a year ago so I'm hoping to remember most of the stories/plot.

Glad you enjoyed it - I also was intrigued with the black/white relationships, it's unfortunate this time existed in our lives.


The book was awesome. Very UNLIKELY that a white woman wrote it though. It is evident that it was edited by a white woman. Brer Rabbit and Uncle Ramus ALL OVER AGAIN. That's like me, a first generation African American writing a book in the first person about growing up Sioux at the turn of last century detailing personal accounts that only the Sioux would know. Think about it. White women love it because it makes them feel better. Silly Americans!

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