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« Book Bankruptcy, Day 2 | Main | "Based Upon Availability" by Alix Strauss »

June 16, 2010


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Julie P.

Oooh! Go for it! Just call me an enabler!


The description reminds me a bit of that movie from the 80s called Same Time, Next Year. I think Alan Alda was one of the stars.
I'll watch for your review!


That sounds really great. Even if you don't want it, I might request it. Who's the American publisher?

Gayle Weiswasser

@Rachel - oh believe me, I want it. I am trying to be good. :) It's Vintage.

@Mary - totally. In fact, the VSL post refers to that movie - Same Time, Next Year. Such a sad movie.

@Julie - you are a bad influence!


Thanks! If it makes you feel better, I came home from BEA with 70 books, and I already have 4 in my wishlist on amazon. Pathetic. But I just can't stop myself -- you're a stronger woman than I!


It sounds really good. I might try my library.


Oh, Gail. The temptation is great and we are only human, no? I blame the tempter and absolve us of responsibility!

By the way, Goldengrove arrived today!


Get it! Sounds awesome!

Amy W.

Sounds amazing! Go for it!


you should DEFINITELY read it, because as I discovered when I went to add it to my paperbackswap wish list, the author also wrote Starter for 10 (also known as A Question of Attraction), which was a great book that was made into an even more awesome movie with James McAvoy.

Amy W.

I just ran out and bought it!! You HAVE to read it I'll have someone to talk to about it! xoxoxo


Oh just go ahead and buy it...I just Kindled mine yesterday because it sounds so good...

Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)

This one sounds good... but stay strong! It'll be there when book bankruptcy is over :)

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