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June 29, 2010


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Oh, golly - her answer to #5 is so depressing! I like to think that most people are more often happy than unhappy. But I have often been told I live something of a Pollyanna existence!

bermudaonion (Kathy)

Great interview, but I hope people are fundamentally unhappy - I consider myself to be happy most of the time.


What great answers to your questions! I especially enjoyed reading about her relationship with her characters. I also really agree with the way that she talked about how people are fundamentally unhappy. So true. I'm definitely a lot more interested in reading this book now!


I didn't even think about The Four Seasons hotel name being a metaphor for how the women change.

And that's an interesting take on happiness. Happiness is such a fleeting feeling and an overused word, in my opinion. Though I think society makes it hard for people to be happy when we're constantly told that we don't have everything we need to make us happy.

Loved your questions, Gayle!


Thanks, Trish and Jennifer! She gave great answers - I was really happy.

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