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« My BEA Piles | Main | June/July EDIWTB Book Club - "Goldengrove" by Francine Prose »

June 04, 2010


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I'll definitely get to this one eventually!


I agree--there was much to love in this and Blake has a lot of promise. I wasn't wild about the ending. Since the technology to do the recordings wasn't in existence at the time,then Blake was clearly okay with taking liberties with history. So I felt like she should have found a way to get the story out.


I didn't like a lot of the way this book was structured and I struggled with the Frankie character, but there were parts of it that were incredibly beautiful. i also find that it's one that I liked less than I though once I had a bit of distance. It's fascinating the way my thoughts have changed on this one.


I have been reading a lot of conflicting things about this book, but your review seems to sum it up nicely. It sounds that although there was a lot done right, there were some parts that were rougher than others. I still want to read this book, it's just gone down a little in the priority level. Great and insightful review! Thanks so much for sharing it!!

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