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« Like Mother, Like Daughters? | Main | Book Miscellany - Saturday Night »

February 05, 2011


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This sounds like a very inspirational and powerful collection of short stories. I think Ms. Fallon has written a wonderful tribute to the men and women who protect out country and a beautiful book.
I have read several wonderful reviews like yours and look forward to reading these short stories.

bermudaonion (Kathy)

I read this right before my last visit to my mother's and I know she and my sister were sick of hearing about it before I left.


@Amy - I think you won't be disappointed!

@Kathy - I tried to find your review to link to it!


I am typically on the fence nowadays about short stories but you certainly made the case for this collection. I am going to check it out.


This sounds like a really good book and it covers a subject that I wish I was reading more about. War is something that truly does effect so many people but it goes unnoticed too frequently.

nomadreader (Carrie)

I am really enjoying this one so far and hope to find time to finish it this week. I'm not always a huge fan of short stories, but I find if the collection has a strong theme, it's usually a better fit for me. I'm glad you loved it!

Nancy Shohet West

Fresh Air had a great interview with this author -- find the podcast if you'd like to hear it!


I tend to shy away from short story collections but this one sounds so great that I'm going to have to make an exception!

Maria Ford

I'm already pretty certain this is going to be one of my favorite reads of 2011. Highly recommended by me, too!

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