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March 31, 2011


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Crouch had me with the cover. I enjoyed Girls in Trucjks as well as Crouch's other book Men..((at 6:30am I can't recall it, brain not quite functioning yet). I look at them as light fun reads. I enjoy the Charleston setting. I look forward to Crouch's next book and hope she maintains the same type of covers and story.

bermudaonion (Kathy)

I haven't read this one yet, but I want to since I enjoyed Men and Dogs by the same author.


I enjoyed it, but agree with your assessment that it is sort of odd. I found the second half to be a bit disjointed, lots of jumping around and no real resolution. But I agree with Elisabeth - the cover is fantastic.

S. Krishna

I totally agree with your review. I was disappointed that Sarah never changed!

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