Reading The Unnamed, Joshua Ferris' second novel, is an intense, exhausting experience, just as living is for Tim Farnsworth, Ferris' main character. When the novel opens, Tim is a partner in a prestigious New York law firm who has just suffered a third recurrence of a strange affliction: periodically, he starts walking and cannot stop. The prior bouts of his disease - one that myriad specialists and scientists were unable to diagnose - wreaked havoc on his life for long periods at a time, but he eventually recovered and was able to resume his professional and personal lives.
The third recurrence of Tim's compulsion to walk is even more disruptive and debilitating than the others, and Ferris sets his novel at the start of the downward spiral that Tim follows when the walking comes back. Ferris shows how Tim loses his ability to work and how his relationship with his wife Jane and teenage daughter Becka are tested - to an extreme - by his erratic behavior and tendency to go missing for days - and eventually months - at a time.
The Unnamed explores the nature of mental illness (and in this case, its relationship with the physical body), as well as the limits of marital love and commitment. As Tim's condition gets more severe, he ultimately leaves Jane and Becka and just sets off walking, literally across the country, unable to stop or control his direction. Needless to say, exposure to extreme elements takes a serious toll on his body over the course of months and years, and he is periodically hospitalized for a range of organ failures, infections, and pscyhoses. His grasp on reality comes and goes, and he stays in intermittent touch with his wife and daughter, which tethers him tenuously to reality and his former life.
The Unnamed is a gripping read. It's not a consistent read, though. The first part of the book is almost like a thriller, while the middle gets repetitive with details of Tim's arduous journeys through physical and mental hell. The final third, where Tim tries to reconcile at last his condition with the life he left, is slightly easier to experience but no less sad.
I was one of the few who didn't like Ferris' first novel, Then We Came To The End. I liked The Unnamed better. I found Ferris' statements about modern work and family life more compelling this time around, and I do love his writing. I think I am still digesting The Unnamed. It's unrealistic in many ways (how could Tim walk that many miles and sleep in so many public places without being killed, attacked, mugged, etc.? for starters...), but I don't think Ferris was shooting for realism here. Here's a passage I liked about the mind-body tension:
At first his body was subject only to little local breakdowns, to infections and inflammations, to aches, cricks, tweaks, cramps, contusions, retentions, swellings, fevers, tinglings, hackings, spasms, limps, displacements, dizziness, stiffness, chafing, agitations, confusions, staggerings, spells of low blood sugar, and the normal wear and tear of age. Yet it persisted to function more or less with an all-hands-on-deck discipline. He was certain that it had a mind of its own, an unassailable cellular will. If it were not him that needed sleep, and a bit of food, it would not need him. It would walk without him, after his mind had dimmed and died. It would walk until it collapsed into a pile of whitened and terrigeneous bones.
I mostly listened to The Unnamed on audio, which I highly recommend. It was narrated by Ferris, and he's a great reader. I love listening to authors read their own works - who understands the words better than they do? Who else knows exactly where the emphasis lands in a sentence, and the tone of voice a character should take when talking to someone else?
So The Unnamed was kind of a mixed bag for me, but I am definitely glad I read it. (Oh hi, FTC! I guess that since the budget was sort-of-approved, your guidelines are still in effect. Since you asked... both the hard copy and the audiobook were courtesy of the DC Public Library).
I didn't care for Then We Came to the End either. I listened to The Unnamed and liked it a lot. I thought Ferris did a great job reading it, but not all authors do.
Posted by: bermudaonion (Kathy) | April 10, 2011 at 08:28 AM
I also listened to it and appreciated that the author did a wonderful job with his own words - something that doesn't always work, I've found. And I liked it more than his first. I still thought about it at the end of last year which made me put it on my 2010 Fav. books list - I figured if a book that bleak and sad was still on my mind it deserved to be on the list.
Posted by: Mary | April 10, 2011 at 08:32 AM
Great review, Gayle. I know that some loved this one, and others had some issues with it, but I am drawn to his affliction. I just haven't had the time to read it. I hope to read it this year.
Posted by: Ti | April 10, 2011 at 10:48 PM
I understand your issues - it's not a very realistic book in terms of the walking. I think it worked better for me than for you though.
Posted by: S. Krishna | April 13, 2011 at 09:30 AM
I listened to this too and wholeheartedly agree that Ferris did an excellent job of narrating his own work - there was an urgency in the reading which aligned well with Tim's frantic walking
Posted by: Colleen | April 15, 2011 at 08:27 PM
Great review.
Posted by: Ann | April 16, 2011 at 08:20 AM
I LOVED "And Then We Came to an End", but I had more mixed feelings about this book too. In particular the last third was tough for me, with regards to consistency. "Intense" and "exhausting" are exactly right. Overall, am glad I read. Great review!
Posted by: | April 22, 2011 at 01:27 PM
Thanks for all of the comments on this post. It's clearly a book that people react to, one way or another!
Posted by: Gayle | April 23, 2011 at 09:52 AM
I liked The Unnamed a lot, too, although it's been a while since I read it. It reminded me of The Diagnosis by Alan Lightman, which also had a main male character with a crippling, mysterious, neuropsychological affliction.
Posted by: Laurie C | April 25, 2011 at 03:30 PM