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April 09, 2011


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bermudaonion (Kathy)

I didn't care for Then We Came to the End either. I listened to The Unnamed and liked it a lot. I thought Ferris did a great job reading it, but not all authors do.


I also listened to it and appreciated that the author did a wonderful job with his own words - something that doesn't always work, I've found. And I liked it more than his first. I still thought about it at the end of last year which made me put it on my 2010 Fav. books list - I figured if a book that bleak and sad was still on my mind it deserved to be on the list.


Great review, Gayle. I know that some loved this one, and others had some issues with it, but I am drawn to his affliction. I just haven't had the time to read it. I hope to read it this year.

S. Krishna

I understand your issues - it's not a very realistic book in terms of the walking. I think it worked better for me than for you though.


I listened to this too and wholeheartedly agree that Ferris did an excellent job of narrating his own work - there was an urgency in the reading which aligned well with Tim's frantic walking


Great review.

I LOVED "And Then We Came to an End", but I had more mixed feelings about this book too. In particular the last third was tough for me, with regards to consistency. "Intense" and "exhausting" are exactly right. Overall, am glad I read. Great review!


Thanks for all of the comments on this post. It's clearly a book that people react to, one way or another!

Laurie C

I liked The Unnamed a lot, too, although it's been a while since I read it. It reminded me of The Diagnosis by Alan Lightman, which also had a main male character with a crippling, mysterious, neuropsychological affliction.

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