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May 09, 2011


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bermudaonion (Kathy)

Even if this book is depressing it sounds like an important read. I think we all need to be reminded of our good fortune from time to time.


I still haven't read this one yet but loved The Kite Runner (even that too was not an easy read).


I read this several years ago, but do indeed think about it -- and am haunted by it -- frequently. I remember being amazed that a male author could so effectively write the story of women, and in women's voices. I don't think I could ever read it a second time, but I was unable to put it down when I read it.

Man of la Book

It's depressing but you couldn't put it down, right?

That's the way my wife and I felt as well.


I have this book on my shelf and I am hoping to read it this year. I should probably read Kite Runner first.I'm glad it is really thought-provoking.


Khaled Hosseini is just an amazing writer. Hard stuff to read but always impressive.

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