I am excited to announce the June/July EDIWTB online book club. The selection is Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones. Here is what Politics & Prose has to say about Silver Sparrow (Jones is reading there tonight, but sadly I can't go):
In her third novel, [Tayari Jones] chronicles the two families of a bigamist. James’s daughters are born four months apart and despite his best efforts to prevent it, meet and become friends. While they share a biological father, their material and emotional circumstances are strikingly different, and Jones skillfully contrasts their distinct coming-of-age stories.
Color Online says, "The strength of this story lies in the complexity and ease in which the relationships are drawn. Jones has a beautiful way with words... This is one of my favorite books of 2011."
Thank you to Algonquin for facilitating this online book club. If you'd like to participate, please send an email before Friday, June 3 to [email protected] with this in the body:
email address
I will pick a book club date once the books go out from Algonquin. Many thanks again to Algonquin!
I've heard fantastic things about this book. I hope I make the cut!
Posted by: Teresa | June 01, 2011 at 01:24 PM
I really enjoyed Silver Sparrow...It is one of those reads that you can pick up again, and again. Tayari Jones has done it yet again!!
Posted by: Jay | June 02, 2011 at 11:08 AM
I just saw your post about this book. I hope it is possible to still fit me in. I sent you a email. Thanks, Susan at http://susansliterarycafe.blogspot.com
Posted by: Susan | June 04, 2011 at 09:26 PM