When it comes to books being made into movies, I always have an opinion. And the more I like the book, the stronger the opinion. Sometimes I worry that I liked a book so much that the movie will never compare... such as with The Namesake (loved the book, liked the movie almost as much), or with The Time Traveler's Wife (loved the book, didn't think the movie measured up, though it was a noble effort).
Sometimes I am reluctant to see the movie, either because the book was difficult to read (The Kite Runner - too violent/disturbing) or because I just didn't like the book much at all (Water for Elephants).
I've come across a movie adaptation that I am very scared to see for two reasons - 1) I loved the book and can't imagine a movie doing it justice; and 2) it's the most disturbing book I have ever read and I don't know if I can sit through it, knowing what I know is going to happen. That book, of course, is Lionel Shriver's We Need to Talk About Kevin (reviewed here).
Lionel Shriver was recently interviewed by The Guardian about her own feelings about the movie adaptation of her bestseller. It's a fascinating read - check it out here. I really enjoyed this article. (H/T to TLB for passing it along!)
Will you see "We Need to Talk About Kevin"?