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« "Somebody Else's Daughter" by Elizabeth Brundage | Main | Lionel Shriver on the Movie Version of "We Need To Talk About Kevin" »

June 23, 2011


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nomadreader (Carrie)

Fascinating! I loved State of Wonder, and I'm eager to read more of her novels. Thanks for sharing this link!


It's really interesting. I'm glad that she knows it's not her strength and just leaves it out. Sometimes when authors try to insert technology it just comes out stilted and awkward.


State of Wonder was probably the best book I've read this year so modern conveniences in that setting, that's for sure!


I didn't know this about her. I love her work.
Sometimes I wish I could press rewind on the old VCR, and tape my favorite shows! Was the world always moving THIS fast. Can't wait to read State of wonder, have heard ONLY amazing things about it.


I am such a techie but I am always amazed by people who pride themselves on living without all of the comforts, convenience, and distractions of technology.

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