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« "Before I Go To Sleep" by S.J. Watson | Main | Wednesday Update »

August 27, 2011


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bermudaonion (Kathy)

I've come to really enjoy interconnected short stories, so this sounds good to me.


Gayle -- I'm so glad you read this. You are right in that this collection is anything but an uplifting read, but the writing is so, so good, that I found it breathtaking. I haven't read Mueenuddin's other book, but I would like to.

nomadreader (Carrie)

I read this one last year, and I did love his writing. I found some of the stories more enjoyable than others, and ultimately was a little disappointed. I am getting more and more into short stories lately though, so I'm curious if my perspective would change if I re-visited it. Regardless, I'm glad you liked it!

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