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« "In Other Rooms, Other Wonders" by Daniyal Mueenuddin | Main | September EDIWTB Online Book Club: "Domestic Violets" by Matthew Norman »

August 31, 2011


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So very sorry about your dog. It's so hard to lose a pet.

My .02? Ditch the book. (I recently ditched three in one week.) Really. You owe it to yourself at this time to have a good, comforting read.


Gayle. I am so sorry about your dog. Our dog died last summer and it affected me much more then I thought it would. I found myself tearing up in the most unexpected of places, for a long time. As my friend reminded me, that is why we have pets.. they fill an important part in your heart. In March we got a puppy from a shelter and he is absolutely crazy (ask my mom!) but has stolen all our hearts. I am thinking of you during this time

as for the book, ditch it! Life is too short to read bad books.

bermudaonion (Kathy)

I am so sorry to hear about your dog. I can imagine the pain you're in right now. Our dog will be 16 at the end of the year and we thought she was near the end last Friday. She has bounced back and seems fine, but it was a stressful weekend.


I'm so sorry about your dog - I have a little pug named Frida and I always tell my husbnad that when my time comes, I want it to say "Nobody loved her like Frida" on my stone. A book I really liked this summer was "Maine". Maybe you should just ditch the one you're reading and try something better - you deserve it!

mari (Bookworm with a View)

Gayle, I'm so sorry for your loss. Our 15 year old lab died a few years ago... I only mention this to tell you know I have idea of the sadness you have today.


My sincerest sympathies. I've lost other dogs, but the thought of surrendering either of my beloved shepherds someday is unbearable.


My condolances on the loss of your dog. After 15 years thier loss leaves a huge hole.

Michelle B

So sorry about your dog Gayle. They leave such a large hole in your heart. There is too little time and too many books to continue a book that you don't like - ditch it!


I am so sorry for your loss Gayle. I hope you are comforted by the happy memories shared with your beloved pet.


Thanks so much for all of the sweet comments. I appreciate knowing that you all are thinking of me in this difficult time.

christa @ mental foodie

I am sorry about your dog :(

As with the book, I abandon. Too little time, too many other books waiting for me.... now I am curious what this book is!

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