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« "The Book Club Play" at Arena Stage | Main | "Sweet Valley Confidential: Ten Years Later" by Francine Pascal »

October 20, 2011


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bermudaonion (Kathy)

I'm anxious to read this book. I never knew of resorts like that.


A lot of my book club members felt the same way. I felt that she did have an epiphany at the end, although it didn't come through so much in print. I had listened to the audio version right after reading the book and the audio version makes it clear (with tone, etc.) that Lizzie realized that what she had was not love...but that she was willing to live with it for the moment, until she could get her kids out of there.

I don't think any other ending would have been realistic. One member of the group said that had Valdez, started the story at a different point in Lizzie's life, maybe we would have been more satisfied. That this particular section of her life, made it seem incomplete. I thought that was an interesting comment.

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