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December 04, 2011


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Time Traveller's Wife was one of my favorite books, and I've had Her Fearful Symmetry on my shelf for a while. I hadn't read it for fear that it wouldn't measure up to her first book, but after reading your review, I'm willing to give it a try - thank you!

Mari @ Bookworm with a View

Interesting. I typically stay away from gothic/mystical/ghost like stories but since I enjoyed Time Traveler's Wife so much I was excited for HFS. I actually listened to the audio from Audible the week the book was released. I wonder if there are a few audio versions available. I LOVED the audio, loved this book. It was so different from anything I have read.

I'm not sure if I will read her next novel, doesn't sound interesting to me....

bermudaonion (Kathy)

I haven't read Niffenegger yet but I do own The Time Traveler's Wife. I think I'll start with it and if I like it, give this one a try.


I was underwhelmed with this one. Even if I removed all the hype, I just didn't see it as a great read. It was creepy but weird.

Michelle B

For as much as I liked the Time Travelers Wife, I disliked this book - very, very creepy.


I felt exactly as you did about HFS, and also saw it on audio and decided to give it a go. It helped that I love listening to British accents. I think this was what made the book so enjoyable for me. If I had read it in print I don't think I would have liked it as much, especially since I didn't think a story with a ghost in it would be something I would like.

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